Silent Bob Chooses Geno’s

A new feature here on CheeesesteakGuru, will be to find any news from the celebrity world and determine their Cheesesteak preference.  Where do they go?  How do they order?

 In a recent blog posting on Kevin Smith’s MySpace page, itemizes his week including every time he showers, shaves, has sex, eats, meets and greets, writes, talks, spits, vomits, and watches TV.  This is OLD School blogging at it’s finest.  Here is my on-line diary.  NOW deal with it. 

 On his way to Cornell University for a speaking engagement, Smith finds himself at Philadelphia International Airport.   There after determining it was 80 degrees outside, he split a cheesesteak from a place in the terminal.  If I flew or randomly hung out in the airport terminal like Tom Hanks, I could tell you where he bought his cheesesteak.  (He calls it a cheese-steak). For argument’s sake and the proximity to the Bose store, I’m going to say he went to Philly Steak and Gyro.

 On his return trip from Cornell, he… well let’s Kevin Tell it:

Twenty minutes in, I talk to Bryan Johnson, who tells me the SModcast equipment he’d Fed-Exed to the Stash East arrived, but since nobody was around to sign for it, it’s being held in the sectional center in Eatontown. Since it’s Sunday, we won’t be able to pick it up ’til tomorrow morning, so my plans to do a Kev/Walt/Bry SModcast pre-poker tourney are shot. Since there’s no rush to get to Red Bank, Jim and I turn the car around and head back into Philly, to grab some Geno’s.

We wait in line for a few minutes, ’til we get up to the ordering window and the guy working it says “What’re you doing out there? Come inside.” They put us at the indoor “celebrity” table, where Jim and I indulge in some awesome, Whiz-covered steaks and fries. It’s about the furthest thing from my diet, but fuck it: I earned this shit.

So there you have it, Kevin Smith is man after my own heart. If you got the time… stop for some cheesesteaks.  I might not choose Geno’s for obvious reasons.  But I never really thought Cheesesteaks should be a political topic. 

 Coming soon, the October Cheesesteak.  Where oh where will it be???